
My Adventures in Advertising

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He was the creative director behind the popular Kingfisher Ooo, la la lal la... Jingle(1996). He has over 30 years experience in advertising. With big agencies, big brands and has won several international, national and local awards. He was also an ex-state level Hockey player and certified Hockey coach, AIR guest voice-over artist and national hockey commentator, Psychodrama Therapist, Mental trainer for sportspersons, theatre and mime director for children. He is now in the process of obtaining an ICF Executive /Life Coach certification and is a mentor, consultant & coach who is passionate about unlocking people's potential.

He will speak about his experiences in how the famous jingle originated and other anecdotes in his career. A little about how advertising works, the glamour or the lack of it at close quarters, a bit about ideating and the creative process, the people, and the rapid changes it has seen leading up to the digital age.