
Setting new democratic standards

Social media’s role in molding and mending a vibrant and democratic society has increased manifold in recent years


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The rise of social media platforms has revolutionized the way people communicate, connect and share information with one another. Social media has had a profound impact on society, particularly in democracies. Social media algorithms are designed to prioritize content based on users' previous behaviour, including the pages they follow, posts they like, and keywords they search. This means that people are likely to be exposed to content that confirms their biases, rather than content that challenges them. This can lead to a phenomenon known as "echo chambers," where people become increasingly insulated in their own worldview and are less likely to consider opposing viewpoints. It has created new opportunities for people to engage in the political process and to express their views and opinions about political issues. Social media has influenced the mindset of people in democracies in several ways, both positive and negative


On a positive note, social media has provided people with a platform to express their views and opinions on political issues. This has democratized the political process, allowing individuals to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives. People can now use social media to voice their concerns and hold their elected officials accountable. Social media has also created new opportunities for political engagement, particularly for younger generations who are more likely to use these platforms.

Furthermore, social media has played a critical role in promoting political transparency and accountability. It has allowed individuals to expose corruption, share information and mobilize people to hold their governments accountable. Social media platforms have also created an avenue for citizens to monitor political campaigns and political donations, promoting transparency in electoral processes.


However, the negative impact of social media on democratic societies cannot be ignored. Social media has provided a path for fake news, propaganda and misinformation to spread rapidly, creating confusion among citizens and weakening democratic institutions. This has been particularly evident in the manipulation of public opinion during elections and referendums. Social media companies have been criticized for their role in allowing these practices to proliferate and for not doing enough to address the issue. Studies have shown that false claims spread much faster and wider on social media platforms than accurate information, in part because the algorithms are designed to promote content that generates engagement, such as likes, shares, and comments. As a result, sensationalized or partisan content often outperforms more balanced and fact-based reporting. This can lead to a distorted public discourse and an erosion of trust in media institutions.

Finally, social media algorithms can have unintended consequences on mental health and well-being. Research has shown that the constant barrage of information and notifications can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The pressure to present a perfect image on social media can also contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Overall, social media has both positive and negative impacts on democratic societies. While it has provided new approaches for communication and engagement, it has also created new challenges and threats to democratic values and processes. Thus, it is important for individuals, governments, and social media companies to be vigilant in addressing these challenges and ensuring that social media serves as a tool for strengthening democracy rather than weakening it. This includes initiatives to promote media literacy, increase transparency and accountability of social media companies, and vibrant democratic discourse that encourages a diversity of viewpoints and constructive dialogue.

All stories that are reported, edited and published on this platform are original, produced by the students and faculty of National School of Journalism, sometimes contributed by guest faculty and speakers. If you would like to contribute, please email us at tannoy@nsoj.in NSoJ is a news organisation and a highly-selective Journalism school that trains India’s best journalistic talents to become ethical journalists who care deeply about truth, justice and democracy. If you are passionate about journalism and care about the core values of journalism as we do, please apply for a place in one of NSoJ’s programmes - Bachelor of Arts or PG Diploma in Journalism at www.nsoj.in.