
The Rise of Content Marketing

The role of journalists in content marketing.

Mr. Prithviraj Sengupta talking about Content Marketing

By NSoJ Bureau

Young Journalists today have the right skills to do well as Content Writers, said Mr. Prithviraj Sengupta, a web psychologist and researcher at the National School of Journalism on Friday 13 September.

He explained why he thought so at a talk on ‘Content Marketing: Where Young Journalists Can Fit In’. Journalists have a sense of social responsibility and social justice, which, in turn, will help them excel in content writing too, Mr. Sengupta stressed. With the advancement in technology, the whole world is connected and it is said that there is only six degrees of separation between any person on the planet.

This has led to more digital marketing today than ever before. “Today personalised marketing is trending over mass marketing. A brand has to appeal to the needs of a particular audience”, he added. “Brands these days do cause marketing to broaden their appeal and appear socially aware”. To illustrate, he talked about the iconic ‘Jaago re’ campaign that urge people to vote.

On the other hand, brands can sometimes be insensitive and create campaigns which can put the brand in a bad light. For instance, after the Nepal earthquake of 2015 lenskart created an online campaign which urged its customers to ‘shake it off’. The brand was largely slammed on social media and was termed insensitive.

Some content marketers tend to not address political issues which can affect the brand on a large scale. “Always look out for relevance and an emotional factor in your content,” Mr. Sengupta added.

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