
The Truth and Justice Scholarship 2022

The Truth and Justice Scholarship covers full tuition fees for students entering a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate programme of study at the National School of Journalism and Public Discourse, Bengaluru (NSoJ). The scholarship supports exceptional young people who will stand for truth and justice in India. Application Deadline: July 31, 2022

The Truth and Justice Scholarship enables outstanding young people in India to study in a full-time undergraduate and postgraduate programme at the National School of Journalism and Public Discourse, Bengaluru (NSoJ). The scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees for the academic year 2022-23. The scholarship can be renewed for future years of study at NSoJ subject to Scholars continuing to meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria will guide the selection of Truth and Justice Scholars at NSoJ:

  • Academic excellence
  • Potential to live life to the fullest (as demonstrated by proficiency in sports, music, debate or other activities)
  • Strong personal ethics, including adherence to the truth, courage of conviction, and sympathy for and protection of the weak
  • Ability to overcome personal adversity or hardship
  • Instinct to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings

Application Process

  1. Applicants should submit the online scholarship application form (link below) by July 31, 2022
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be notified within two days of submitting their application
  3. Shortlisted candidates will appear for an interview within a week of being notified
  4. Scholars will be announced in early August


All stories that are reported, edited and published on this platform are original, produced by the students and faculty of National School of Journalism, sometimes contributed by guest faculty and speakers. If you would like to contribute, please email us at tannoy@nsoj.in NSoJ is a news organisation and a highly-selective Journalism school that trains India’s best journalistic talents to become ethical journalists who care deeply about truth, justice and democracy. If you are passionate about journalism and care about the core values of journalism as we do, please apply for a place in one of NSoJ’s programmes - Bachelor of Arts or PG Diploma in Journalism at www.nsoj.in.